Think about how much information is displayed to you each and every day.
From advertisements and emails to social media, our brains are constantly presented with information to read and process.
The information displayed throughout your condo building is no different. Your residents need to read various pieces of information that will inform them of their surroundings. But how can this information be displayed in a manner that will captivate resident (and visitor) attention in a world already overflowing with information?
Wayfinding signs provide the solution! Here’s what you should know about using them throughout your condo building.
What are Wayfinding Signs in Condo Buildings?
Wayfinding signs efficiently convey information at strategic points throughout a building. Using a minimum amount of text and images, wayfinding signs help to guide people in the right directions.
In a condo building, wayfinding signs can be used for parking signage, interior condo signage and to help with orientation and navigation throughout the building.
How Do Wayfinding Signs Work in Condo Buildings?
Based on human behaviour, wayfinding signs act as a clear, comprehensive, consistent visual communication system to guide people in the right direction. Using as little information as possible, this type of signage only shows what is relevant to a space, location or navigation path.
When used effectively, they help people to orientate, navigate or remember the building environment.
What are Wayfinding Design Principles?
There are four different types of wayfinding signs that can be used to create an effective signage system for a condo building:
- Information signs convey necessary information to provide orientation within the building (ie. standing signs, plaques and descriptions).
- Directional signs help locate strategic points throughout the building (ie. maps).
- Identification signs help locate individual locations, buildings and public facilities (ie. signs for public washroom or a lobby desk).
- Warning signs indicate safety procedures and regulations for a specific area (ie. wet floor signs, fire safety signs, stairwell signs).
Once your building’s signage needs are determined, a strategic wayfinding scheme needs to be created.
A design grid is used to order information and to scale the signs to different sizes. The key is to use as minimal information as possible on one side. If too much information is displayed, the signage will often be overlooked. Multiple signs should be used instead to convey information in this case.
To keep the message as clear as possible, a sans-serif typeface that’s available in various weights should be used. A positive letter spacing will help enhance the visual appearance of the signs.
Use the same typography, type height, icons, grid design, colour and material choice on each of your building’s signs. Whether you use symbols, arrows, words or a mixture, remaining consistent will limit any confusion.
Install Quality Wayfinding Signs in Your Condo Building Today
Besides providing orientation and navigation throughout a building, wayfinding signs can decrease accidents and even increase building value. Let the team at Folio Interior Design Group help you create your condo building’s wayfinding signs! Contact us today to find out more about our services.