Harbour Point I

Project Description: 250 Queen’s Quay W., Toronto – Harbourpoint I

250 Queen’s Quay W, Toronto – Harbourpoint I, The Party Room in this building was rarely used, so to better optimize the space, it was combined with a Guest Room and Meeting Space with multi-purpose furniture and an update of all the finishes to elevate the space for better functionality and style with a Murphy Bed. The Board can meet when the guest suite is not in use, and when it is booked, for guests, the bed is lowered and the guests can make use of the brand new kitchen, bathroom and seating.

Before and After

Kitchen (Before)Kitchen (After)

(Slide to see Before / After)

Before and After

Kitchen (Before)Kitchen (After)

(Slide to see Before / After)

Before and After

Kitchen (Before)Kitchen (After)

(Slide to see Before / After)

Before and After

Bathroom (Before)Bathroom (After)

(Slide to see Before / After)

Before Photos

After Photos
